How to get both endings in Chapter 1000 of Sucker for Love: Date to Die For

This is it.

This is it. It’s time for your final showdown with Buck in Sucker for Love: Date to Die For. Chapters 1, 2, and 999 are a breeze compared to what’s about to come in Chapter 1000. However, you’ve got an eldritch goat deity to smooch and I’ll be damned if we let some rotting immortal get in the way. Here’s how to survive Chapter 1000 and get both endings.

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How to get each ending in Sucker for Love: Date to Die For, Chapter 1000 (???)

True End

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  • Start
    • At this point, Muu should be charging you rent for how often Stardust is caught napping in the bookshop.
    • With Rhok’zan’s book and a slew of stunning revelations running through your head, go to your ancestral home.
    • Summon Rhok’zan with the ‘Summon the All-Mother’ ritual.
  • Perform the ‘Kiss of Immortality’ ritual
    • This is the hardest part of Sucker for Love: Date to Die For. Once you perform the ‘Kiss of Immortality’ ritual, you’ll have to survive for seven minutes as Buck relentlessly hunts you.
    • While Buck is hunting you, there will be 11 rituals to keep an eye out for, lest you die. While it is technically okay to die in this section, if you manage to avoid it, you’ll unlock the hidden achievement “The G.O.A.T.”
    • I’ve detailed the rituals below with the signs to look out for and how to avoid death. Keep this page handy is infinitely easier than pulling up Rhok’zan’s book and flipping through pages in a panic.
    • There will never be more than a single affliction active at a time. Keep moving and deal with the current threat.
  • Come Outside
    • Everything appears as it should be in this dream. Make your way to the front door and leave behind this house of horror.

Truth End

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  • Fulfill Your Promise
    • After speaking with Nanni, Billie, and Kidd at the entrance, turn around and go to the Heart of the Woods.
    • Aunty Nyan Nyan will be waiting for you with the reagents you need to perform the ‘Uproot: Heartburn’ ritual.
    • Take the ingredients and perform your final chant.


  • Cloud of Fleshflies
    • Sign: You’ll hear loud buzzing and see flies start to appear. This means that Buck is nearby.
    • Cure: Flee to a part of the home without flies or buzzing. The longer you sit still, the closer Buck will get. Keep moving until the flies and buzzing aren’t present as they’ll hunt Stardust.
  • Tempestuous Murder
    • Sign: Spotting what appears to be a murder of crows outside.
    • Cure: Move toward an interior room without windows and wait until you hear wings flapping. Only then will it be safe to come out. The crawlspace is a great hiding spot.
  • Hush of the Deep Woods
    • Sign: Everything has gone eerily quiet.
    • Cure: Make a noise once every (15) seconds for (1) minute. The television in the TV room will do the trick.
  • Summon Ultrapredator
    • Sign: You’ll hear the sounds of a beast on the hunt.
    • Cure: Move to a room with a single entrance and face the door. This will prevent the ultrapredator from attacking. Once your heart rate slows, it is safe to move on.
  • Stygian Canopy
    • Sign: The edges of the screen will go dark and you’ll see tree branches encroaching.
    • Cure: Find lit candles and stare at them until you hear the sound of birds chirping. The only rooms with candles are your bedroom and the crawlspace.
  • Call of the Seventh Knock
    • Sign: You hear knocking.
    • Cure: Move towards the sound of the knocking and count each one. If you count six knocks before finding the door, stay still. If you find the door beforehand, quickly open it as the seventh knock begins.
  • Death of Death
    • Sign: Corpses rise from the Rotblooms.
    • Cure: Go to the bathroom balcony and wait for them to starve. Be mindful of potential stragglers.
  • Spiteful Dwelling
    • Sign: The walls and floors begin creaking.
    • Cure: Make your way outside while avoiding moving doors and staircases.
  • Fumigating Miasma
    • Sign: A poisonous mist will begin filling the rooms of the first floor.
    • Cure: Get to either your bedroom window or the bathroom balcony on the second floor as quickly as possible.
  • Megafauna Homonid
    • Sign: This off-brand Slenderman creeps around the house.
    • Cure: Don’t look at it and get out of the room it is occupying.
  • Summon Firstbornes
    • Sign: You hear babies or see their hideous form through a door.
    • Cure: Go to the Heart of the Woods and stay put until the candles go out. This is my favorite affliction to get as it eats up a minute or more easily.
About The Author
Christian Dawson
Christian has been playing games since he could hold a controller in the late 80s. He's been writing about them for nearly 15 years for both personal and professional outlets. Now he calls Destructoid home where he covers all manner of nonsense.
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