Fortnite’s Avatar Elements event is here, introducing several Avatar: The Last Airbender characters, weapons, and cosmetics. While many rewards come with the event’s Battle Pass, Appa’s Glider will take weeks of questing to find. Here’s how to get the Appa Glider in Fortnite.
How to unlock the Appa Glider in Fortnite Avatar Elements event

During Fortnite’s Avatar Elements event, you’ll unlock the Appa Glider after opening six Chakras. You’ll find the Chakra list by heading into your quests menu, where you’ll find a list of quests related to each element. Completing one list of Chakra quests lets you open your first Chakra, unlocking the next set until you finish all six stages.
Since each Chakra quest list unlocks over time, you won’t get the Appa Glider immediately. You’ll have to finish the first set, wait a few days for the second to appear, and continue until all six are available.
All Chakra quests in Fortnite Avatar Elements event
Everyone has the same list of Chakra quests during the Avatar Elements event in Fortnite, which means everyone will pursue the same locations, scrolls, and other objectives during their matches. While you only need to complete four quests from each element, finishing more will net you additional Chi for your Elements Battle Pass.
Below is a list of every Chakra quest you’ll find during Fortnite’s Avatar Elements event.
Water Chakra quests
- Visit an elemental shrine
- Receive passive healing with Waterbending by entering water (25)
- Deal damage to opponents with Waterbending (1,000)
- Land on water from the bus (2)
- Destroy a cabbage cart
- Restore shields (500)
Earth Chakra quests
- Land at an Elemental Shrine from the bus
- Travel distance while sliding (100)
- Destroy Stone structures (50)
- Visit Mount Olympus and Coastal Columns
- Collect cabbages (3)
- Use Rock Wall and hit an opponent with Throw Rock
Fire Chakra quests
- Destroy objects or structures at an Elemental Shrine (5)
- Light a campfire
- Eliminate an opponent in different matches (5)
- Travel distance on the Train (500)
- Destroy a cabbage cart with Firebending
- Deal damage to opponents with Firebending (1,000)
Air Chakra quests
- Land at an Elemental Shrine
- Travel distance while gliding (1,000)
- Jump while using the Air Wheel (5)
- Deal damage to opponents with ranged weapons while airborne (200)
- Air Jump at the Windmill or The Other Windmill
- Travel distance outside of named locations (1,000)
Sound Chakra quests
- Visit shrines of every element (4)
- Hit opponents with Firebending and Earthbending in a single match (2)
- Use Air Wheel then damage opponents within 30 seconds (50)
- Launch an opponent with Rock Wall technique and heal in water using Waterbending in the same match (2)
- Travel distance using either the Air Wheel or swimming with the Waterbending scroll equipped (1,000)
- Carry one of each type of Bending Scroll at the same time.
Light Chakra quests
- Visit Elemental Shrines in the same match (2)
- Collect Bending Scrolls in different matches (4)
- Collect fish (4)
- Hit opponents with a melee weapon (4)
- Receive a gift from Aang, Katara, Zuko, and Toph
- Eliminate opponents with different weapon types
Over time, additional quests will become available, revealing the next set of elements. As the event continues, you’ll find a total of six quest lists, each requiring you to finish at least four of the six objective options to unlock their respective Chakra for the Appa Glider. We’ll update this list with the latest details as they appear.
Published: Apr 25, 2024 08:15 am