In any other game, carrying around five swords at once would be considered extraordinarily excessive, but in Tears of the Kingdom, it’s indicative of a critical supply. Weapons break like sticks of Pocky, and you need to have a solid inventory of them just to make it through an intense battle.
When you start out in Tears of the Kingdom, you’ll no doubt find your inventory to be exceedingly constraining. Link doesn’t start out with deep pockets. Or, well, he does. He can carry a limitless supply of rocks. However, when it comes to swords, bows, and shields, his pockets only run so deep. You’re going to want more space, and you’re going to want to get it quickly. The game won’t offer any help when it comes to doing this, so we’ll step in for you.
If you played Breath of the Wild, you probably recall that inventory expansion was handled by the rotund tree-person, Hestu. When seeking our dancing friend, you might be tempted to head straight for the Lost Woods, but don’t do it. There lies only madness.
Instead, you’ll want to head toward the tower Northwest of Lookout Landing. It lies on a specific landmass called Lindor’s Brow. Hestu isn’t at the Skyview Tower at Lindor’s Brow, but he’s near it and, more specifically, on the way there from Lookout Landing: he can be found directly Southeast of the Lindor’s Brow Tower.
Deep pockets
You’ll find Hestu quivering in fear, mumbling about scary trees. To get his full attention, you’ll need to move to the indicated grove until the trees pop up onto their roots and attack you. If you’ve never faced these before, they hit hard but can be taken down easily. They’re weak to fire, but if you really want to end a battle with a tree quickly, throw a bomb flower at them.
Once the trees are dealt with, Hestu will finally talk to you and resume his inventory expansion duties. If you trade him Korok seeds, he’ll upgrade either your weapon, bow, or shield category of inventory. It starts with a single seed for any category but then grows more expensive after each use.
After expanding your inventory a few times, Hestu will cut you off and mention that he wants to go somewhere that has more people. He’s talking, specifically, of Lookout Landing. Simply follow him there, and he’ll immediately go back to stitching bigger pockets onto your belt.
You’ll find him later in the Korok Forest
Eventually, he’ll move again to the Lost Woods (specifically the Korok Forest), but he won’t cut you off before then. Feel free to keep using Hestu’s services, and don’t worry about his eventual relocation.