Taking a glance at the sky islands in Tears of the Kingdom, you might have noticed a massive storm that’s looming over the bottom right section of Hyrule. Perhaps you’ve made your way over to that section in the map, only to discover that there are islands hidden in the clouds.
Navigating said islands is a dangerous task due to the fact that Link can’t see 10 feet in front of him. However, there’s a way to remove the storm from the island, letting you explore this new location to your heart’s content. Here’s how to clear Thunderhead Isles and remove the storm in TotK.
How to Remove the Storm Over the Thunderhead Isles
To clear Thunderhead Isles, you’ll need to progress the main quest in TotK. Eventually, you’ll end up speaking with Tauro and Calip about the Zonai Ruins. After that, you’ll need to put a Zonai Charge on an altar to clear Thunderhead Isles.

To begin the process of clearing up the Dragonhead island storm, you’ll need to complete all four Regional Phenomona quests around Hyrule. Once this is complete, heading back to Lookout Landing will call you to complete the mini-dungeon in Hyrule Castle.
After you escape Hyrule Castle, you’ll complete Regional Phenomena, and unlock the Quest, “Find the Fifth Sage”. If you happened to stumble upon Kakariko Village during your travels throughout Hyrule or perhaps on your trek to Hateno Village, you might’ve noticed some ruins floating on the side of town. Before the completion of Regional Phenomena, you were banned from exploring them. Now with the quest being completed, you’ll be able to check them out.

Investigate the Floating Ring
Speak to Paya and Tauro in Kakarko Village, and they’ll open the structures up for you to investigate. To locate these characters, head to the coordinates (1814, -0940, 0112.) Use the nearby Makasura Shrine to get there faster.

Going to this location will unlock the Secrets of the Ring Ruins quest in TOTK, which helps clear the Dragonhead Island storm.
Head up to the floating part of the Ring Ruins, and use Ascend to get inside the floating ring. You’ll find a ladder just past Paya, Tauro, and Calip, taking you higher up the area. Just follow the pathway of the wooden platforms to reach the floating ruin.
Once inside, you’ll find a slab with some text on it that Tauro and Calip were talking about when they let you investigate. Snap a picture of it with your camera, and show it to Tauro. After deciphering the message, they’ll mention the Zonai Ruins in Faron. Tauro and Calip will make their way to the Popla Foothills Skyview Tower; follow them to continue the quest.

Finding “Dragon Land”
Once you’ve made it to the Popla Foothills Skyview Tower you can speak with Calip, who’s mentioned that Tauro is headed towards Dracozu Lake. Walk southeast from the Skyview tower, you can spot Tauro’s camp by the campfire, still lit. Its coordinates are (0939, -2524, 0009).

On the table will be a journal, where you can find he’s gone into the ruins across the water from where the campsite is. Inside, you’ll find Tauro once more, who gives you a riddle to solve.
Secrets of the Ring Ruins Tauro riddle solution

Tauro will read aloud the riddle, stating, “Wear the electric garb hidden at the long-necked dragons along the wide-mouthed forest serpent,” followed by “Offer a Zonai charge to the altar at the tail”. The first part of the riddle will require you to wear a Charged Armor set, which can be found nearby.
Tauro will point you in the direction of a Zonai chest containing the Charged Shirt. What the game is asking you to do is make your way down the river (which looks like a dragon), find the complete Charged Armor set, and offer a Zonai Charge to the altar at the end.

Completing the Ritual
To complete the ritual in the Secrets of the Ring Ruins TOtK quest, you must locate the two other Charged sets: One set of Trousers and a Headdress.
Secrets of the Ring Ruins Charged Trousers location
Start making your way down the river, staying on the right side. Be careful, as there are Lizalfos in the water. Eventually, you’ll come across another set of ruins, much like where you met with Tauro. The coordinates of the first ruins are (0980, -2691, 0007). These are blocked off by some rock, which can be easily broken with a Rock Hammer or Bomb Flower. Inside the ruins, you’ll find the second piece of the Charged Set: the Charged Trousers.

Secrets of the Ring Ruins Charged Headdress location
Continue working your way down the river until you see another set of ruins. This time, on the left side. Looking to your right, you might see some Zonai Soldier enemies waiting for a fight. Avoid them for now, and head into these new ruins for the Charged Headdress. The coordinates of the ruins are (0968, -2801, 0007).

Once all three pieces have been acquired, head out and make your way down the path right across from the ruins. Doing so will lead you to the Zonai Ruins, where the altar is. However, you’ll have to fight some enemies along the way. You’ll reach a clearing in the path where three Lizalfos will be hiding. Hidden along the stone wall behind them is another set of ruins. Their coordinates are (0686, -2743, 00014).

Head inside wearing the entire Charged Armor set and take out a Zonai Charge. Place the Zonai Charge on the altar in the back and watch as a cutscene plays out, clearing the storm from Thunderhead Isles. This lets you access the Thunderhead Isles and Dragonhead Island with clear vision! Check your sky view map (switch perspectives) to see the Thunder Isle map.
Calip and Tauro will meet up with you once again, thus concluding the Secrets of the Ring Ruins main quest. You can also check out the new areas to unlock the Joku-usin Shrine.
Published: May 17, 2024 9:41 PM UTC