One of the more powerful secret Archetypes in Remnant 2 is the Engineer. The Engineer specializes in Heavy Weaponry, allowing them to deploy one of three possible heavy weapons as a turret. Furthermore, the Engineer can then dismount the weapon from the turret and use it as their own weapon. Unfortunately, the Engineer Archetype can be a bit tricky to find.
This is how to unlock the Engineer Archetype in Remnant 2.

Where to find the Alien Device
In order to unlock the Engineer Archetype you must first find the Alien Device. Finding this item can be very tricky, as it’s purposefully hidden off the beaten path. First, you want to head to the world N’Erud. With the procedural generation of areas in Remnant 2, N’Erud actually has two possible maps. One map starts you in the Abyssal Rift, and the other starts you in the Phantom Wasteland. Both of these are actually split into two wide-open areas.
Unfortunately, the Alien Device is located in the second area on each of its respective maps. So, if your procedurally generated version of N’Erud has you starting in Abyssal Rift, you want to head to the second area called The Eon Vault. If your starting area was the Phantom Wasteland, you want to head for The Timeless Horizon.
Once you have reached the second area of N’Erud, this is where things can get very tricky. You want to skirt around the outer rim of this vast area. The invisible wall that surrounds the area causes you to get disoriented, so it can be tough to find. However, the exact location you want to look for will look identical to the screenshot above. Basically, you want to look for an opening flanked by two specific landforms. A small cliff on the left, and a pointy rocky formation to the right.
Read the rest of this paragraph before continuing forward! From here on out you will be disoriented from entering the outer area of the map, so you’ll need to hurry. Next, you want to quickly dash forward through this opening. You will come to a small gap that you want to be sure to jump over. Here you will find a corpse with the Engineer armor set on it. Immediately turn to your left and drop off onto another platform. This is where you will find the Alien Device. Pick it up quickly as you are probably nearing your death due to being outside the perimeter for too long.

How to craft the Drzyr Caliper Engram and unlock the Engineer Archetype
Now it’s time to unlock the Engineer Archetype. With your Alien Device in your inventory, you want to visit the NPC Wallace in Ward 13. He can be found up on the crane that sits on the docks. Speaking to Wallace will give you the option to craft the Drzyr Caliper Engram. The materials required to do so are your recently found Alien Device, 10 Lumenite Crystals, and 1,000 Scrap. Scrap drops off most enemies in Remnant 2 and in most chests. The Lumenite Crystals drop off most Elite enemies.
Once you’ve crafted the Drzyr Caliper Engram you have unlocked the Engineer Archetype. You can now equip the Engram to become an Engineer!

Is the Engineer Archetype good in Remnant 2?
The Engineer is actually a very powerful Archetype. Their primary playstyle revolves around dropping one of three strong turrets. Also, you can remove the weapon from the turret and wield it yourself. The turret weapons include a Vulcan minigun, a Flamethrower, and an Impact Cannon. The Engineer also has a variety of utility abilities like Magnetic Field. This perk reduces the damage all allies take while you use a Heavy Weapon from your turrets. Furthermore, upon reaching level 7 this perk will also gradually restore your allies ammunition which is very beneficial.
With a strong damage output and a plethora of utility skills, its easy to see why the Engineer Archetype is very useful.
Published: Aug 1, 2023 01:55 pm