At PAX last month, Craig Skistimas of ScrewAttack, Our Fearless Leader Niero, and The Most Trusted Man in Gaming Jon Carnage held a “How to Build a Website” panel. Footage of the event can be beamed directly into your skull via the links below. And if you children behave yourselves, the Dtoid Live 2 footage might appear. Maybe.
I’ve only watched some of the first part so far, but contractual obligations (and the threat of waking up with a horse head in my bed) dictate that I say, “This is the greatest moment in the history of eternity ever captured on video, and it is greater than chocolate cake, bubblegum raindrops, and golden unicorn farts combined!”
ScrewAttack and Destructoid: How To Build a Website at PAX ’11 Pt. 1 [ScrewAttack]
ScrewAttack and Destructoid: How To Build a Website at PAX ’11 Pt. 2 [ScrewAttack]
ScrewAttack and Destructoid: How To Build a Website at PAX ’11 Pt. 3 [ScrewAttack]