I, GameJew: LIVE (Archive now available)

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Original post: Welcome to GameJew LIVE, which now happens every Wednesday night from 7pm to 7:30 PDT. This is only our second episode, so we’re still working out some of the kinks.

Tonight we’ll have a little bit of GameJew news, three (singing) Virtual Console reviews, and probably some dancing. I can also take song requests (my own songs or other artists), answer questions, and we’re going to try a new feature: I’ll be singing peoples comments as they’re coming in, effectively making a community written song. Unfortunately, only 15 people can participate at a time (to do so you have to sign up for an account with operator11.com), but we’re going to be experimenting with how to have people rotating in and out of the queue.

I’d love to hear suggestions for future shows, but for now, just sit back, relax and watch the GameJew make a fool of himself on national … Internet. 

Watch the show after the jump! 

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