I may be the only one who is excited for Crimson Dragon

Hey, it could be good, right?

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[Update: it appears as if it’ll be launching for $19.99. Nice!]

Crimson Dragon hasn’t been getting a lot of good buzz. After a tumultuous 360 development cycle, the now Xbox One launch title is nearly here, and this trailer shows off a few new areas and enemies. The good news is it seems like Kinect functionality is now an afterthought instead of the core experience, so I still have faith, and I really dig the art style.

If Crimson Dragon ends up being terrible, you’ll hear about it. But for now, my Panzer Dragoon instincts are kicking in, and I want to try it!

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Chris Carter
Managing Editor - Chris has been enjoying Destructoid avidly since 2008. He finally decided to take the next step in January of 2009 blogging on the site. Now, he's staff!
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