Pew pew pew
Shoot ’em ups are basically the sharks of the videogame industry. Relics from a bygone era, they’ve remained steadfast since the dawn of time. And really, would you have it any other way? Exemplars of the mantra “if it ain’t broke don’t fix it,” these venerable killing machines achieved perfection long ago and have no intent on changing any time soon.
Over the years Treasure has amassed an impressive résumé of STGs which includes Radiant Silvergun, Ikaruga, and Sin & Punishment: Star Successor. But what’s the developer working on now? Word is they’ve trained their sights on the 3DS. CEO Masato Maegawa divulged to gamesTM that the company is currently hard at work on an exclusive action title for Nintendo’s portable. That’s not a whole lot to go on at this point but, as a shark enthusiast, I’m incredibly excited. Because sharks, dear reader, are awesome. Always have been and always will be.
Sin And Punishment Developer Treasure Working On 3DS Exclusive [NintendoLife]