In which you date a ukulele-playing T-rex named Taira

I love videogames so much

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I think we’re all pretty familiar with dating sims. They’re typically really cute, but mostly they’re pretty erotic. Admit it, we’ve all played them before just to see what they were about and most of the time they’re not that bad. Well I’ve discovered quite possibly the best dating sim yet with Jurassic Heart.

Jurassic Heart sees players going out with a Tyrannosaurus Rex named Taira and together they have to go buy a new ukulele. There was an incident where Taira broke his ukulele, and if the date goes alright you eventually learn Taira is a shy dinosaur. You see, there was an incident where people laughed at him because he couldn’t pick up his ukulele due to his tiny arms. Awww!

There’s more to the story, but you should go play it for yourself.

Romance an emo T-rex in this Jurassic dating sim [DailyDot, via Kotaku]

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Hamza Aziz
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