Is there violence? Is there murder? Listen to Werner Herzog say Pokemon

Happy Friday

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In an interview on The Verge with the very-good Emily Yoshida, director Werner Herzog talks his new film, Lo and Behold: Reveries of the Connected World, spinning into all sorts of technology talk. We share the same opinion on virtual reality, for example.

“You have this… how do you call it? This mask on, for more than five minutes. I feel uncomfortable, and no content whatsoever has taken this discomfort away from me.”

But very delightful is Yoshida explaining Pokemon Go to Herzog, who doesn’t have a cellphone (except for emergencies).

“Does it tell you you’re here at San Vicente, close to Sunset Boulevard?” he asks. “But what does pokémon do at this corner here? … When two persons in search of a pokémon clash at the corner of Sunset and San Vicente is there violence? Is there murder? … Physically, do they fight? … Do they bite each other’s hands? Do they punch each other?”

The whole interview is delightful, but if you don’t have time to read, just listen to this clip of Herzog saying “Pokemon.”

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Steven Hansen
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