It sounds like Life is Strange 2 is happening (Update)

Dontnod co-founder mentions sequel

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[Update: Alchimy has significantly altered the text of the interview, changing it from “I worked as a script doctor on Life is Strange developed by the studio Dontnod and I will participate on Life is Strange 2 later” to “I contributed modestly as script doctor on Life is Strange developed by studio Dontnod. If there were to be a sequel, I would be happy to contribute, of course.”

This follows a similar incident where a representative for Square Enix informed Destructoid the second episode was delayed, only for Dontnod to label “rumors” of a delay “false.” Despite initially telling us each episode would arrive precisely six weeks apart and insisting news of the delay was not true, in the end, Dontnod did not end up delivering the second installment on schedule.]

A sequel to Life is Strange is in the cards, according to Dontnod co-founder Alain Damasio.

Speaking in a French interview with Alchimy, Damasio, when asked about the games he’s worked on other than Remember Me, mentioned plans to “participate on Life is Strange 2 later.”

I won’t spoil the ending to the original game (because I haven’t finished it yet), but a second season would likely feature a new cast, according to co-director Michael Koch. In an interview with Polygon, Koch likened Life is Strange to TV series like True Detective, saying “we can really go with other characters, other locations, but still keep the identity of the game, the themes of the game.”

Alain Damasio et la puissance immersive du jeu vidéo  [Alchimy via NeoGAF, PCGamer]

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Kyle MacGregor Burleson
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