Jack Thompson ordered to take a psychological test & faces a suspension

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It’s been a good week so far for those of us who want better treatment of videogames, and the great news isn’t about to stop. Jack Thompson, the slightly more insane Joker to the videogame world’s Batman, has been ordered by the Florida Bar to undergo psychological testing, as well as eat a 91-day suspension of his law license. This is what one might call a most severe dose of smackdown’s syndrome. In an email personally sent to GamePolitics.com, the silver-haired villifier of videogames informed that mediation talks between he and the Bar did not go quite how he would have liked:

Mediation failed today because there was no mediation whatsoever… [Florida Bar official]  Ms. Tuma not only did not move off her [suspension] demand one iota, not one smidgeon, but she instead upped her demand by requiring that Thompson undergo a battery of psychological tests as part of the fabulous deal The Bar offered him… 

Ms. Tuma [sic] last demand going into the mediation was a 91-day suspension, and she opened and ended with that and a shrink’s couch.  This is bad faith…

This “mediation” was a charade… Finally, [Thompson] requests a status conference herein as soon as possible so that we can… shut this Star Chamber down.  Thompson is not the one who needs a psych evaluation.

Aaw, what are you going to do about it, Jacky boy? Go write some emo poetry on a Geocities webpage? That’s what happens when you’re a grown man, supposedly a professional, and your behaviour indicates nothing of the sort. Thompson’s dealings with the Bar have seen five counts of professional misconduct levelled against him, as well as a complaint from a Miami judge regarding Thompson’s Bully suit. This now stands as the sweetest cheese in the cake. No wonder he’s been so quiet recently, the man’s too busy putting a rope around his neck and, if the psych tests prove what I believe, smearing his feces on the walls and talking to an orange he’s named Ken.

[Burling, you rule for this awesome tip]

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James Stephanie Sterling
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