Jack Thompson sends gay porn to judge, doesn’t even buy dinner first

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My friends, it’s almost time to start popping champagne corks, for the glorious day must surely be soon upon us when Jack Thompson’s legal career is curb-stomped savagely into a fine red mist. For quite some time now things have been spirally downwards for everyone’s favourite self-promoting human car crash. Professional misconduct charges, accusations of insanity, heart problems, and a series of actions not dissimilar to the malformed ravings of a Victorian asylum inmate have been steadily collecting together to built a grotesque portrait of freakery and failure not long for the professional world. With this current news it seems very much like a frame has been chosen for that portrait, and it’s a frame sculpted from only the finest grade of tragic comedy. 

Jack, you see, has a long and embittered legal history with a gay activist lawyer by the name of Norm Kent. In a current case, Jack has accused the Bar – yep, he’s pulling the “Iz it coz I iz Jack?” card again – of conspiring with Mr. Kent against him, and has stated that this has been the case for the last two decades. Paranoid much? 

In order to “prove” what a deviant his opponent is, Thompson has accused Kent – who runs the National Gay News site – of “distribution of hardcore porn to anyone of any age”, and felt the need to hammer this point home by downloading and attaching images of graphic boy-love, completely unsolicited, to his complaint to the judge. In an explosion of the finest irony, the filing of the pictures now means that they’re openly viewable on the public record. Nice one Jack! And the funniest part? Well, in a completely unheard of act of fact manipulation from Thompson, the cockular content he sent wasn’t hosted on Kent’s site at all, rather it was collected from various separate porn sites referenced in its Adult Links section. Well done JT, you’ve proved you can find gay porn on the internet. I can ride a bike and do my own ironing, you know. 

Judge Adalberto Jordan understandably did not enjoy finding a big load of penis in his papers and so has ordered Thompson to justify his actions and explain why he should not suffer a mighty legal whupping, involving possible contempt charges. Jack has responded with his usual attitude of “But I am blameless, and one day they will all see! Mommy says so!”, severely playing up the martyrdom by claiming such an action was required to prove a point and professing that he would be willing to go to jail for his “principles”. It remains to be seen how this one pans out, but personally I’m betting on the judge rather than the jester. 


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