After days of being a sensationalizing twit and turning the VA Tech tragedy to his advantage, it seems that Jack “Courage McSnugglebunks” Thompson is finally beginning to loosen his stranglehold on the crazy market. Does that mean he’ll be abdicating the crazy throne? Doubtful, but at the very least he won’t be making any more attempts to block Manhunt 2 or GTA4 from sale.
Take Two and Jack Thompson have settled up, GamePolitics is reporting, not only putting to rest the series of lawsuits and countersuits between the two parties, but those contempt of court charges that Jack was facing. Shucks.
It seems, at least, that Take Two got what it wanted out of the deal. From the article:
In the settlement, filed with Federal District Court Judge Cecilia Altonaga, Thompson has agreed that he:
1.) will not sue or threaten to sue to block sale or distribution of any game published by Take Two or its subsidiaries (i.e., Rockstar),
2.) will not communicate to Take Two or anyone doing business with T2 (like, say Wal-Mart) any accusation that the company committed any wrongdoing by selling its games. Thompson is not restricted from criticizing the content of T2 games, nor is he prevented from acting as counsel in lawsuits brought against Take Two by other parties,
3.) will make any future contacts with T2 through its attorneys.
Not bad. There does remain the possibility that some other Font of Righteous Fury might take up Jack’s cause and bring him on board, thus continuing the fight in his stead, but it’s unlikely that any attourney would want to draw the kind of ire — both from the public and the courts — that Thompson seems to.
Not that it makes any difference, though. Thanks to the recent tragedy, Jack’s got a full plate of reasons not to shut the hell up.
[Via GamePolitics]