I don’t even know wha Jack-o is doing anymore. It’s so hard to follow all the stupid things he does and says, so I’ve kind lost track. Thankfully, GamePolitics is keeping track, and now they point us to Thompson trying to treaten prosecution for all 104 House and Senate members of the Utah legislature. Jack is pissed because Utah tried to prosecute him for sending them spam.
In an email sent back to Utah, Jack says that he is “not going to put up with it,” and threatens to add all of the legislature to his sworn complaint:
If I get one more threat of criminal prosecution for sending you all proof, as I have, that pornographic video games are being sold to children in Utah … then I will add ALL of you to the sworn criminal complaint now in the hands of the FBI in Salt Lake City.
Maybe the real problem here is that Utah, as a recent study proves, leads the nation in consumption of on-line porn. Maybe some among you are into this stuff, and you feel threatened…
Nice, Jack. Very professional move there. Calling Utah’s legislature porn fiends, and then saying that you’ll prosecute the lot of them? Forget disbarring: this guy should be banned from using e-mail.