Japan’s Super Potato has got all the bomb frostings

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Any gamer with an interest in visiting Japan will most undoubtedly be aware of Super Potato, the famous retro game store in Tokyo’s Akihabara shopping district. You might have even sen a few videos that tour the joint, but one more ain’t going to kill ya, right?

In this latest vid, Scott Popular and Cheap Ass Gamer‘s CheapyD scout the joint for Dreamcasts with the SEGA President’s face on the box, a Virtual Boy on demo display, and of course, a smattering of games that never made it over to the West. It’s a short little number that clocks in around 5:30, but it’s still a sweet taste for anyone in the midst of arranging their overseas travel plans.

SUPER POTATO [Studio Donbe]

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Tony Ponce
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