‘Jump Up, Super Star’ is rocking the iTunes music charts

‘No one else can take you this far’

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Through some weird twist of fate, Nintendo has managed to pull off a chart topping hit with the theme song for the upcoming Super Mario Odyssey. As spotted on Reddit, there was a brief period where “Jump Up, Super Star” was actually in the top 40 All Genre category on the US iTunes store, but it as since fallen a little.

That doesn’t mean other countries aren’t also rocking out to this jazzy song by the oft-forgotten Pauline. Japan and Hong Kong have the song listed in their top ten and another eight countries still have it above the top 40. The lowest tracked spot is in Germany, where the song is currently resting around #146, which is still damn impressive.

Video games have come a long way since their inception. What was once seen as mere children’s toys has morphed into a multi-million dollar industry with big name actors and musicians lending their talents to developers. Now a days, its just as viable to jump into gaming to start your career as it is in Hollywood or the music industry. While we’ve seen stuff from more established artists in the past, news like this warms my heart.

Jump Up, Super Star is top 40 on U.S iTunes all genre chart [Reddit]

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Peter Glagowski
Former Dtoid staff member.
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