Just Add Water teases Hand of Odd, which is great!

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I remember first reading about Hand of Odd, way back in my school days. A simulation game set in the Oddworld universe, it had only promises to deliver until it was postponed in 2004. Last year, Just Add Water confirmed it would kick the project back into gear, and now we got our first taste of it. 

That taste comes by way of a teaser site with a logo. Not much to go on, but the studio’s Twitter account promises some more news soon. In the meantime, it’s been confirmed that the game will not be like FarmVille, and that it’s, “DEFINITELY NOT a Facebook game.” 

Color me excited! I was always a big fan of the series and was sad when this project fell apart so long ago. Can’t wait to finally see it resurrected.

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James Stephanie Sterling
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