Katamari XBLA rumor squashed before it can grow legs

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EGM gave us hope, and Microsoft crushed the dreams: Katamari for Xbox Live Arcade is not happening. What would have been an automatic best-seller for the 360’s online service, is now just a distant memory thanks to the cold, hard response by Worldwide Xbox Live Arcade Games Portfolio Manager, Ross Erickson.

A forum post:

According to the latest Quartermann section in EGM magazine, a new Katamari Damacy is coming to Wii, PS3 and Xbox Live Arcade.

I hope this happens and soon. I love that series and it will fit well in arcade. 

A rapid response:

Total crap – not happening. 

Boo to you Microsoft. At least give us a month or two to fully spread a completely false rumor. Why must you take all our fun away? 

About The Author
Robert Summa
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