Kid’s Age of Empires obsession causes him to take up archery

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These are the stories you don’t hear the Jack Thompsons of the world talking about. A child was so keen on PC strategy game Age of Empires that, when his mother demanded he do something more active, he decided to honor his favorite game by becoming an archer.

17-year-old Ryan Tyack is now competing in the Australian Youth Olympic Festival, where he is also the flagbearer. The only reason he is there though is because of gaming. Apparently, his mother was “despairing” at the amount of time Ryan was spending with his mouse, and wanted a change.

“I just sat around playing Age of Empires all the time and my mum wanted me to do a sport and meet some kids,” he confirms. “So I chose either fencing or archery as Age of Empires had swordsmen and archers.”

This story is obviously false though, as we all know that playing games could never have a positive impact on someone’s life, right? FOX News never lies!

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James Stephanie Sterling
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