Killzone: Shadow Fall announced for PS4!

This article is over 12 years old and may contain outdated information

PlayStation 4 takes us back to Vekta

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Killzone: Shadow Fall has been announced! Guerrilla Games advances the story to a Berlin-inspired setting, separating two rival factions on Planet Vekta by a gigantic wall. 

A very gorgeous trailer set up the PS4 exclusive shooter. The return to Vekta calls for blue skies, lovely waters, and lots of color. Footage gives us a look at the verdant planet before a city area explodes. As chaos is sewn, cloaked Helghan assassins make their appearance. Then there’s lots of shooting! Also, Dishonored style knife assassinations. 

If we’re not being Gearboxed, this looks incredible. Lots of destruction in the environment, fires raging, heavy duty action, climbing a rope trailing from an airborne vehicle — it looks almost as good as the Killzone 2 trailer from E3 2005!

The trailer ends with a pull-back shot of the aforementioned wall, revealing a familiar Vekta on one side, and a twisted Helghan subversion on the other. I just got a Killzboner. 

Check out ALL the PlayStation 4 coverage from today’s event here. Console specs revealed, new controller detailed, and tons of games announced!

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