Killzone: Shadow Fall goes Hollywood with actor reveals

Well, they’re no Brian Cox

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Killzone: Shadow Fall is getting some television thespians to abet its story, according to a recent PlayStation Blog post. Jamie Gray Hyder of Trueblood will be playing Helghast intelligence officer Echo, a foil to Shadow Fall‘s playable character’s role as a “Shadow Marshall.” Meanwhile, David Harewood of Homeland plays Sinclair, Vektan Security Agency director.   

In Killzone: Shadow Fall, you’ll serve as a Shadow Marshal under Vektan Security Agency director Sinclair, who has you perform the difficult missions that ensure the balance remains tipped in favor of the Vektans. But Echo, an intelligence operative for the Helghast, has similar orders – and she will stop at nothing to accomplish them.

So, are they still feeding us the story that the Helghast are the bad guys? I mean, look, they even have a more progressive military, pitting a woman as your main adversary. Actually, isn’t this the first Helghan woman to play a role in the series? I’ve yet to play Killzone 3, but it seems Visari’s daughter plays a negligible role. But Killzone aficionado Jim Sterling has already noted why he views the Helghast as heroes.

So, I don’t watch Homeland (I hear it’s pretty good!) or Trueblood. Any fans of those shows want to chime in with excitement, or any other thoughts, on the roles? My main takeaway is that the reveal pales in comparison to Brian Cox, who was absolutely fabulous as Helghast ruler Scolar Visari.

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Steven Hansen
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