Following news that Kingdoms of Amalur developer 38 Studios was in big debt to the gubbyments, word of more financial trouble has hit the streets. The company also owes its own employees, having missed payments to staff.
In addition to its inability to pay staff, 38 Studios has also let go of any temp workers. Meanwhile, embarrassing news suggests that Curt Schilling’s company sent a check to the Rhode Island Economic Development Corporation despite there being no money. Naturally, the check bounced.
Things could get worse. If 38 Studios can’t pay off its $75 million loan, Rhode Island could assume ownership of its intellectual property, seizing the Amalur brand for itself. It’s almost enough to make you want to believe a conspiracy theory.
What a ludicrous situation this whole thing is.
38 Studios doesn’t make payroll, can’t pay state either [Joystiq]