Kiryu’s clan is best in this new Yakuza 6 video

Baka Mitai

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One of the new mini-games in Yakuza 6 is something called “Clan Creator.” If it wasn’t evident from the title, you take street punks and make a clan out of them. It looks kind of fun and is pretty reminiscent of a similar feature from Yakuza 4. It also makes Kiryu look like even more of a bad ass, since he can take literal trash and turn it into an ace fighter.

I do like that the Yakuza series is always willing to try new things and this mode looks pretty awesome. Mixing the over-the-top animations with an RTS style system could be an immense amount of fun, but we’ll just have to wait and see. If nothing else, the trailer gets me more hyped for March.

About The Author
Peter Glagowski
Former Dtoid staff member.
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