Koei Media Day: Dynasty Warriors 6 trailer

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This is the one I’ve been waiting to post. The main event of Koei Media Day and the end of my posting spree, the official trailer for Dynasty Warriors 6. If I can honestly be a fanboy for just a brief moment — OH MAH GAWD LOOK AT IT LOOK AT IT! I’m sorry, but just … look. THAT is Dynasty Warriors. In but a few scant moments of gameplay footage, I’m sold. That’s Zhao Yun applying a headscissors to some twat and spinning around like a death-dealing dervish of doom. That’s enough for me. Headscissors for the win.

The trailer doesn’t detail how the limitless combos, customization or boasted ‘freedom’ come into play, but at least we know that the epic, one-man-army action is intact and it looks bigger, dumber and more grandiose than ever before. I can’t wait.

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James Stephanie Sterling
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