Koei Media Day: Warriors Orochi video collection

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Good morning readers! Look, I know I post about Koei an awful lot sometimes and maybe it annoys a few people who aren’t fans of their games. I do apologize for that, especially today, as I have a huge big fat wad of Koei videos for you which I am now in the process of posting. My contact in Koei was supposed to have me these videos before the embargo lifted so I could bring them to you ASAP, but sadly they’ve not arrived in the mail yet — stupid Atlantic Ocean getting in the way. Fret not, because now everybody else has them and so I can pick up the scraps like some sort of wretched vulture/man hybrid. So, Warriors Orochi anyone?

The Warriors series’ last-gen swansong, Orochi will meld together the universes of the Dynasty Warriors and the Samurai Warriors as they tackle a time warping demon. Being based on history, the levels are based on famous battles that actually took place — so here’s this giant enemy crab … oh wait, sorry I was having one of my memetic attacks. Just watch the intro sequence above and two more chunky Warriors Orochi videos contained after the jump. Love you!


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James Stephanie Sterling
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