King of Fighters XII is not the best 2D fighter available on current-gen consoles, but it’s still one of my favorites. It just looks so good. To a dyed-in-the-wool fan of 2D fighters, KoF XII is the only game in recent years to truly look right. It doesn’t look like a CGI animated imitation of a 2D fighter, or an anime imitation of a 2D fighter. It looks like the real deal, and I love that. It may not have had the features of Street Fighter IV, or the originality of BlazBlue, but it was the only current fighter to truly take pride in its sprite based roots.
One of the main complaints about KoF XII was the roster. Not only was it missing fan-favorite Mai, but multiple other characters, modes, and stuffs went missing. Well, now Mai is back, and she’s not alone. For one, I’m totally freaked out at the sight of Hwa Jai, the fanged-faced Mui Thai kickboxer who hasn’t been seen in a SNK fighter since the Fatal Fury days. Other combatants coming back in KoF XIII include Maxima, Elisabeth, Mature, Yuri, King, Vice, Takuma, and Kula. That’s 10 new characters in all, the same amount that Super Street Fighter IV brought. Now I just need to hear that KoF XIII will only cost $40, and it may be able to claim my “most respected fighting game semi-sequel” crown from the previously named Capcom fighter.
Don’t get me wrong, SSFIV is amazing, but you just can’t beat the graphics on KoF XIII. Don’t believe me? Then check out the game’s characters in motion over on the game’s official site and see for yourself. The site is packed with animation, and loads really quickly, so fans of instant gratification won’t be disappointed. Watch out for Mai though. She’s… hypnotizing.
[Update- Oops! Look like I forgot about K’, who is also making a comeback, making 11 “new” characters. KoF XIII > SSFIV CONFIRMED.]