Latest episode of Sony’s Qore on PSN contains Resistance 2 beta access (Update)

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Today’s the day! The latest episode of Qore hitting the PlayStation Network today will contain access to the Resistance 2 public beta, according to the official PlayStation blog. The price of a single episode is $2.99, so you’ll have to decide whether or not that’s worth it to you; the episode will also contain some gameplay footage and interviews, all of which seem like jokes compared to the idea of the Resistance 2 beta. 

Keep in mind that this will not be the only way to enter the beta. Insomniac has promised future details on a pre-order program that will also grant you access to the anticipated beta program.

I’m going to be honest: I haven’t purchased and downloaded a single episode of Sony’s digital PlayStation Network magazine/video series, Qore. Sure, the show’s host, Veronica Belmont (no relation to Simon, I’m told), was voted by Playboy readers as one of the “sexiest bloggers,” but that’s really not enough to guarantee a sale. Also, I’m bitter that Dale North wasn’t nominated. 

Is this a must have for anyone? I’m definitely considering slapping down $2.99 myself. Hey, maybe I’ll even really enjoy Qore, and wouldn’t that be something?

[Update: To clarify, you must subscribe or already be a subscriber to Qore in order to be granted access to the beta. Simply buying this one episode won’t do the trick.]

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Nick Chester
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