Laura Dale: Your new European EIC

Welcome to the era of Laura

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So, as you’ve likely noticed over the past 24 hours, Destructoid has undergone an editorial transformation. Mr Jonathan Holmes has stepped down as EIC at Destructoid to focus on his other day jobs and growing family, with several snake like hydra heads popping up to take his place. One of those snake like heads is me. 

With Holmes stepping back from management, Destructoid’s new management structure basically revolves around a series of mini EICs on the site for different time zones and coverage areas. One part of this unholy abomination is me (with Chris and Jordan), Laura Dale, your new UK and European hours ruler. I come online early in the UK mornings, wrangle my writers together to ensure you have hourly content every morning Monday to Friday, then slink back into the darkness to strike again the following week.

If you’ve got UK or Europe centric news you want to see covered, events attended, games reviewed or opinions written, just fire an email to The UK team, including UK contributors Joe Parlock and Vikki Blake, will hopefully continue satisfying your UK and European needs for some time to come.

Oh, we also do a podcast full of terrible jokes if you want some UK voices in your ears.

About The Author
Laura Dale
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