Lay down a drum beat while zombies eat your neighbors

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Dtoider Patrick a.k.a. NukaCola has a regular feature in which he takes listener-requested videogame music and layers a thick slather of live drums atop the original track. We’ve featured him on Weekend Destructainment in the past, but since that little feature has gone the way of Steven Seagal’s career, now Patrick gets a post all to himself.

As a belated Halloween treat, he samples the LucasArts classic Zombies Ate My Neighbors in the latest video. Naturally, he rocks the joint. His performance has given me the urge to try out the game, which I’ve sadly never played before. The music sounds appropriately creepy and I do love giant mutant babies, so I’m sure I’ll enjoy it.

If you want to request your own VGdrum rendition, hit up Patrick’s Twitter or Facebook pages. Don’t be afraid to give him something fast that’ll make his hands and feet fall off! Make the man work for his passion!

VGdrum Request VIII: Zombies Ate My Neighbors “Zombie Panic” [Pixelitis]

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Tony Ponce
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