League of Legends developer opposes SOPA

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League of Legends developer Riot Games has stood firmly on the side of free speech, speaking out in no uncertain terms against the Stop Online Piracy Act. Not only that, but the studio will be raising awareness and actively combating the bill in any way possible. 

“We’re definitely doing more beyond just this announcement,” said Riot Games attorney Logan. “Some of it will be public-facing, some of it is more calculated to maximize legislative impact against this bill (and is far less interesting to the public at large). But yeah, we’re not just saying ‘we hate SOPA!’ and going away.”

Riot is not yet planning any kind of server blackout, as planned by Reddit on January 18, but it will be doing what it can to encourage its players to get involved. 

Few developers have had the guts to speak out against SOPA, much less take an active role in its opposition. Major, major respect.

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James Stephanie Sterling
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