Let’s hear it for Lon Lon Milk

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Lon Lon Milk. We’ve all carried a bottle of it with us at one point or another. The hearty flavor, the nutritious healing properties, there is little to be said in favor of Lon Lon Milk that hasn’t been said already. It’s past time that the delightful dairy product had itself a round of applause, though. 

Remember, when you drink a delicious bottle of Lon Lon Milk, you’ll be energized in seconds! After you drink it, you can bring back the bottle and buy a refill, anytime you want!

Your normal milk that your out-of-touch mom or dad might buy can’t claim such wonderful properties. Get with the times, mom, you stupid old square! You too dad, you prick!

Ladies and gentlemen, let us applaud Lon Lon Milk, please!

About The Author
James Stephanie Sterling
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