Let’s watch some GoldenEye footage because it’s the weekend

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I’m a huge James Bond fan. I would say I like James Bond as much as I like videogames. Luckily, Bond and gaming have gone hand-in-hand for a while, and while the quality of Bond games is always a roller coaster ride, there is no doubt that one Bond game changed the face of gaming forever. That game was GoldenEye, in case you just joined the world.

GoldenEye has been written and talked about ad nauseam, but since I’m such a big fan, we’re going to hear about it some more. GameTrailers’ “GT Anthology” series brings us lots of fun facts about games in glorious HD and is mostly a look back at classic games. This time around, they cover GoldenEye and deliver a few interesting tidbits, like where the name for the KLOBB came from and the fact that a racing version was planned for the Virtual Boy.

So if you’ve been yearning for a trip down FPS memory lane, and also for a few random facts, hit the jump and watch the movie. Since this is scarcely news, I’d like to suggest you use the comment space to discuss your fondest GoldenEye memories. Who knows? You might win something if you do.

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Matthew Razak
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