Who needs two relatively dumb boxing gloves when you can have one completely amazing boxing glove? It’s deep questions like these that I believe the Buddha contemplated to reach enlightenment, but that we don’t have to because the internet puts the answer right in our face.
Amazon is selling a life size replica of Little Joe’s left hand boxing glove from the new Punch-Out!!. The green, Amazon exclusive boxing glove comes on a 15″ x 11″ wooden frame with an engraved Punch-Out!! plaque below it. It does not, however, come with the game. This isn’t a pre-order deal or a special edition. It’s a completely separate item that will set you back $89.99 when it comes out on May 18, or right now if you pre-order.
Now this is all well and good, but I think we all know that the real article of clothing we need replicated from Punch-Out!! is Little Mac’s pink sweatpants and hoodie combo. Imagine that framed on your wall and the amount of women it would attract. Ladies love obscure videogame memorobialia.