Live show: Chainsaws & Charity

Returning to one of my faves of 2012, and helping a great cause

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[Mash Tactics airs Monday through Friday at 4p.m. Pacific on Dtoid.TV. Watch King Foom play a variety of games, each day with its own theme. With a heavy focus on community and viewer interaction, you can be as much a part of the show as anything else.]

Join me on Mash Tactics tonight as I jump back into one of my favorite games of 2012, Lollipop Chainsaw. It’s been far too long since I’ve taken this violent, stylized Suda51 joint for a ride, and it’s about time I go back to sharpen my skills. If you missed out on this unique game, just want to see more of it, or are just looking for something amusing to watch while you pass the time away, be sure not to miss the show this evening!

As well, throughout the week, we’ll be trying to raise a bit of money for an awesome cause. The teachers of Brumby Elementary school are trying to raise money for a state wide field trip to Jekyll Island, in order to learn about nature, science, history, and everything else that a three day trip with 4H can do for an impressionable child. As you know times are hard on everyone this year, and the parents are having an extremely hard time gathering the funds to help out the children.Our goal is $9,000.00 by Febuary 1’st, lets try to make it happen … FO DA KIDZ!

QotD: What are some games you missed in 2012 that you plan on picking up this year?

About The Author
Rick KingFoom Olson
More Stories by Rick KingFoom Olson