An epic nod to classic 2D beat-em-ups
[Mash Tactics airs Monday through Friday at 4p.m. Pacific on Dtoid.TV. Watch King Foom play a variety of games, each day with its own theme. With a heavy focus on community and viewer interaction, you can be as much a part of the show as anything else.]
Do you miss old-school, 2D beat-em-ups such as River City Ransom, and Final Fight? Do you like the quirky style and humor that Adult Swim Games brings to the table? If you answered yes to either of these questions, then do we have a show for you this evening. Tonight on Mash Tactics, we’ll be jumping into the wild world of Fist Puncher, a nod to classic brawlers filled with over a dozen playable, and upgradeable characters, all armed to the teeth with special attacks and abilities to be used against the hordes of evil doers you’ll be up against.
If that wasn’t enough to get you interested, wait, there’s more! We’ll also be joined via Skype, by a couple of fine gentlemen from Team2Bit, the developers of all this amazingness. If you enjoy what you see this evening, you can grab the game this Friday on Steam. However, if you are thinking about picking this up, I’d highly suggest you pre-order now. Not only will you get the game at a discounted price, but you’ll also get access to an exclusive playable character from Robot Unicorn Attack, who of course, is a unicorn. What’s better than that?
QotD: What is your favorite side scrolling 2D beat-em-up?