Join in on the conversation and jump into the game with us!
[Mash Tactics airs Monday through Friday at 4p.m. Pacific on Dtoid.TV. Watch Rick ‘King Foom’ Olson play a variety of games, each day with its own theme. With a heavy focus on community and viewer interaction, you can be as much a part of the show as anything else.]
Be sure to join me this evening for my weekly segment in which I showcase gaming gems that you can get your hands on for ten dollars or less that I’ve been calling, Cash Tactics. Tonight we’ll once again be showing off the free-to-play (it doesn’t get any cheaper than free, right?) hybrid strategy game for iOS, Kingdom Conquest II. Now, while I know we’ve shown off this game before, we have a very special treat for our live viewers this time, in the form of a casual interview with the game’s producer, Yoshinobu ‘Nobby’ Matsuo.
If that name doesn’t ring a bell, just know that this man had a hand in localizing some amazingly classic games including Final Fantasy Tactics, Xenogears, Front Mission 3, and others. To say that I’m totally hyped to talk to this awesome industry vet about his past, and what the future may possibly bring would be a complete understatement. Come by and join in the conversation, and jump into a game or two with us as we dive into Kingdom Conquest II with Nobby, and learn its ins and outs firsthand, only at Dtoid.TV!
QotD: What are some of your favorite classic JRPG’s?