Live show: Mash Tactics with 20 game codes to giveaway

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[Mash Tactics airs Monday through Friday from 4-8pm Pacific. Join Jon Carnage and Pico Mause as they host a wacky and interactive show on Justin.Tv. Join us for your chance to win prizes, talk to industry guests, and experience jaw-dropping stunts.]

Today on Mash Tactics, we will be showing you live gameplay footage from Sonic the Hedgehog and Streets of Rage II with 20 codes to give away. Are you on the edge of whether or not to pick up a game? Stop by Justin.Tv at 4-8pm Pacific to get a taste of new titles. Follow Mash Tactics on Facebook to vote for which games you would like to see on an upcoming show.

We’re also going to be giving away some really cool Runes of Magic prize packs, featuring a Steel Series headset, mousepad and a bunch of other cool stuff. Tune in to the show to find out how you can win!

Previously on Mash Tactics:

Monday, July 11, 2011

We started off the week with the creator of the Battle Bears series, Benjamin Vu. He showed us the latest title in the series, Battle Bears Blast. At the top of the show, Pico and Benjamin discussed the battles of independent companies and the opportunities presented by cellphone markets. Later, Carnage and Benjamin sat down with a comical discussion about bad movies and bear puns.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

First up was an energetic Pico who crashed and nodded off sometime mid-show leaving Carnage to his wild shirt riping antics. Shadows of the Damned was featured in this episode starting just after the infamous strip scene. To keep things interesting, Lucha and his wrestling wisdom joins us for the second half.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

All shirts in this this episode were spared, for the most part. Carnage was a little frustrated while playing Fist of the North Star so we moved on to Bulletstorm before any apparel was injured. Pico hopped on this title and pro kicked her way through until the end of the show.

Thursday. July 14, 2011

We had special guests on this episode showing Supremacy MMA and an awesome racing game from 505 Games, Wrecked. Come check out these titles before they are released. Stick around until the end to catch some great philosophical games that are yet to be never announced.

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