Live Show: Saturday Morning Hangover stays awake

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[Tune in to Saturday Morning Hangover every Saturday at 10am Pacific for the latest Xbox Live Indie Games, co-op play and assorted hijinks. Hosted by Conrad ZimmermanJordan Devore and the lovely Katrina. We have a couch! Come join us live on Destructoid’s channel!]

Sleep? We don’t need sleep. It’s Saturday Morning Hangover time over on Destructoid’s channel. Join myself, Jordan Devore, and Katrina as we check out the week’s Xbox Live Indie Games for your viewing pleasure. It’s going to be … yeah.

As per ancient tradition, we’ll be playing something else during the second half of the show. What exactly that is will be up for you to decide, so you had best show up and yell names into the chat. Watch the caps, though, or you’ll be eaten alive by our all-seeing, all-knowing robot guard.

About The Author
Conrad Zimmerman
More Stories by Conrad Zimmerman