[Tune in to Saturday Morning Hangover every Saturday at 10am Pacific for the latest Xbox Live Indie Games, co-op play and assorted hijinks. Hosted by Conrad Zimmerman, Jordan Devore and the lovely Katrina. We have a couch! Come join us live on Destructoid’s Twitch.tv channel!]
After a weekend away at PAX, Jordan and I are back to entertain you once more (or at least offer a reasonable facsimile for entertainment). But just like every time you take a vacation, things start piling up, such as the over 40 titles released to Xbox Live Indie Games in the past two weeks for us to play demos of. Plus, Castle Crashers has that Pink Knight update which has Katrina itching to run through the game again.
And then there’s this pile of Serious Sam HD Gold codes lying around that we’ll have to find something to do with. What a curse!
Hey, I know! Why not tune in to Saturday Morning Hangover and we’ll solve all of our problems together. Watch the show and find out how to win! It’s all going down right now over on Destructoid’s Twitch.tv channel!