Look upon this Watch Dogs screenshot and weep

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Ubisoft has released a single new screenshot for one of E3’s most talked about announcements, Watch Dogs. If you think one mere image won’t be enough to interest you, just take a quick gander at it. It’s turning some heads, and rightly so. 

It has to be said that it’s a stunning image, the kind that yet again fuels talk of this thing running on next-generation hardware. There’s an impressive amount of detail, especially for an open world game — a genre that prefers to skimp on the little things in order to provide bigger environments. 

Still, there’s plenty of room for cynicism. How much of this is a bullshot? Will it really look this good? All I know is that I want to see more. This game is one of the more promising things I’ve seen in the big budget arena for quite some time.

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James Stephanie Sterling
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