Lost files: unused Mass Effect music released on Bandcamp

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With all the recent attention being paid to Mass Effect 3’s ending, composer Jimmy “Big Giant Circles” Hinson thought it was a good time to draw people’s attention back to something that was pretty universally loved about the series: the music. As one of the main composers contributing to the Mass Effect 2 soundtrack, Hinson has put together a collection of unused material that he wrote for the game along with draft compositions and a lengthy musical tribute to the series.

The album, titled Legacy, features nine tracks, one of which is a free-to-download remix. It’s all available on Bandcamp for $4.99 (or more, depending how awesome you think the music is). Check it out, stream it, and let us know what you think.

Any Mass Effect fans out there have a preference for a particular soundtrack in the series? I was kind of bummed to see Jack Wall and Jimmy Hinson not returning for Mass Effect 3

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Jayson Napolitano
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