Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
will receive its own Fight Sticks. Well, sort of. Mad Catz just announced that it has secured the rights to globally distribute controllers and accessories based on Modern Warfare 2 across all platforms.
The official release was excessively vague about the upcoming line of products. We don’t have the slightest clue what Mad Catz has in store for consumers — be it zany turbo controllers or fancy off-brands with MW 2 decals stamped all over them.
In the official release, Infinity Ward’s CEO Vince Zampella says: “Mad Catz’s innovation and fresh approach from Day 1 has been great. The team has really poured their hearts into the new line of accessories for Modern Warfare 2 and we can’t wait for our fans to have a chance to play for themselves this November.”
Either Mad Catz is building the coolest thing in existence or people are afraid to unveil whatever product is coming out of the pipes. We’d like to think one of the mysterious accessories is a gas mask to go along with those night-vision goggles.