Making a movie is hip: Assassin’s Creed joins the short film contest party

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Ten years ago, being a filmmaker required talent, dedication, time, and most importantly, a great deal of money. These days, with cheap digital cameras and the fabulous Internet, everyone’s a God damned Orson Welles. Witness the recent Nintendo Short Cuts contest, which prompted 8,497 reader tips about some Punch Out!! short film that I refuse to watch.

IFC and Ubisoft are looking for assassin inspired short films (they’re talking length here, not a film starring dwarves … although extra points for that, in my book) for their Assassin’s Creed Short Film Contest, taking place over at The film should be less than six minutes in length and must incorporate specific themes, including historical assassinations and social stealth. 

The winner will walk away with $10,000 in cash, an Xbox 360, a copy of the game, and their short film will be included in the limited edition release of Assassin’s Creed.

Hmmm … does Mr. Destructoid count as a historical figure?

[Thanks, Aaron M for the tip!]

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Nick Chester
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