Ghastly horror Martha is Dead will be ‘modified’ on PlayStation

martha is dead censored modified playstation

Sony scissors are at work?

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It has been many days and nights since I first wrote about LKA’s Martha is Dead, but the increasingly grim-looking horror title will finally be making its mark on souls and brains next week, when it officially arrives, February 25, on PlayStation, Xbox, and PC. One of these things, however, is unlike the other.

The studio has informed news outlets that the PlayStation version of Martha is Dead will feature “modified” sequences, with certain sections of the period piece horror unplayable. I’m loathed to use the word “censored,” as LKA’s vague wording seems to suggest that the scenes will remain intact, but changed, somewhat implying that player control/agency will be removed from the segments in question.

This past weekend, a particularly gruesome sequence from Martha is Dead was floating around social media. I’m not going to describe the sequence for spoiler reasons, but it was pretty durn grisly. Perhaps Sony has gotten a little cold to the idea of players having direct control over such sequences, and as such called for the changes. This is purely speculation on my part, in any regard. The PC and Xbox editions of Martha is Dead will not feature the aforementioned modified scenes.

Set at the tail-end of WWII, Martha is Dead follows the story of a young woman who travels to Italy to recover the desecrated body of her sister, who was found, drowned and lifeless, on a secluded beach. Utilizing psychological and physical horrors, LKA’s adventure looks to be an intensely bleak and frightening experience. Less the popcorn thrills of an Until Dawn... Something altogether more sinister.

About The Author
destructoid chris moyse
Chris Moyse
Senior Editor - Chris has been playing video games since the 1980s and writing about them since the 1880s. Graduated from Galaxy High with honors. Twitter: @ChrisxMoyse
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