Mass Effect 3 pathetically, sickeningly inferior on PS3

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Digital Foundry has revealed that Mass Effect 3 is disgustingly inferior on PS3 compared to the Xbox 360, where it looks more gorgeous than a thousand twinkling stars in the skies of darkest night. There are rumors of the game looking so bad on PS3 that people have gotten eye tumors just from watching five minutes of it. 

On 360, Mass Effect 3 runs at a silky thirty frames per second, while the PS3 turd runs at a despicable … an outrageous … twenty. According to the report, this framerate affects controller responsiveness during combat. Uncomfirmed stories state that the 360 version’s responsiveness is so good that players actually win combat sequences while still watching the cutscenes beforehand. 

It is speculated that, once Sony chief Jack Tretton hears about this, he’ll kill another woman. Not that there was any proof that he killed the others.

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James Stephanie Sterling
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