Mass Effect: Andromeda’s multiplayer will receive all maps for free

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Mass Effect 3 may have been a disappointing end to the alien dating trilogy, but BioWare handled the multiplayer component with a bit of grace. Instead of shoving in a bunch of maps with the season pass for the game, all the extra maps were released for free. That trend is going to continue in the upcoming Andromeda as confirmed by BioWare’s general manager, Aaryn Flynn.

Along with that information, the producer for Andromeda (Fernando Melo) stated that the multiplayer component would tie back in with the single-player in the form of some unlocks for your character. Melo mentioned on Twitter, “On the fifth day of MP-mas, the MP dev team gave to you: a new feature in MEA – Missions. Your link between MP/SP. Play & get rewards in both.”

That sounds similar to how Mass Effect 3 handled your “War Readiness” for completing missions in co-op mode. That may be a bit tacky (since you can farm out components to make the game easier), but at least your time spent away from the campaign won’t be for naught. Getting extra maps for free is also a pretty nice gesture, even if that used to be an industry standard (I miss you Unreal Tournament).

Mass Effect: Andromeda’s Multiplayer Maps Will Be Free [WWG]

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Peter Glagowski
Former Dtoid staff member.
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