Mega Man #12 comic cover is… I see what you did there!

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Anybody remember the monthly Mega Man series that Archie Comics started earlier this year? Well, SURPRISE! It’s still running! After news that initial sales had been less than stellar, I was worried that it would get that ax early on, but Archie has faith in the property and will soldier onwards. Lesson to be learned here, eh, Capcom?

Anyway, the ninth issue should be hitting newsstands next month, but already we have cover artwork through the twelfth. The story arc for these next four issues will be an adaptation of Mega Man 2, so the covers naturally contain imagery from that game. The cover for #12, however, is super special and deserving of a little extra exposure.

The full cover, which you will find below, should be incredibly familiar to European NES gamers. It is, in fact, a recreation of the Euro Mega Man 2 box art, only with more game-faithful art versus the source’s sleek Heavy Metal-ish style. I’ve also provided a side-by-side comparison in the gallery so you can see the similarities for yourself. Once again, Spaz delivers!


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Tony Ponce
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