Men of War: Condemned Heroes saves you from the gulag

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If you like your real-time strategy games to have a historical basis and a distinctly Eastern European flavor, then developer 1C has got you covered. Men of War: Condemned Heroes will be the next installment of its popular WWII series.

As its name implies, Men of War: Condemned Heroes will offer players the chance to play as one of the infamous Soviet Penal Companies, made up of court-martialed officers. They were given another chance to serve Mother Russia by becoming lowly soldiers in battalions that took on some of the most dangerous missions between 1942 and 1945 as the Soviets made their way west to Germany. Still, better than rotting in some rat-infested gulag in Siberia, eh comrade?

Men of War: Condemned Heroes will feature four different campaigns with fifteen missions, as well as a detailed and historically accurate portrayal of the men who fought in the Penal Companies, with promised “ultra-detailed, photorealistic human models.” Considering we’re talking about WWII Soviet prisoners, I wouldn’t mind a bit less detail in the visuals, to be honest. 

Men of War: Condemned Heroes is scheduled for a release in early 2012.


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Alasdair Duncan
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